The stonehold lies inside of a massive plateau of limestone, carved out of living rock over decades by a clan of contracted dwarf masons. These are probably the guys who gave your PCs the lair's coordinates: they were sworn to silence, but only so long as the Wizard lived. Getting inside the plateau is a matter of walking across the tableland, a landscape of scrub grass and stunted windblown oaks. Then the plateau's west cliff face must be scaled downwards some 40'. In the cliffside is a sunken, smooth hole six feet in diameter like a knothole in the sheer stone, virtually undetectable from above or below.
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kind of like this but more barren up top |
Obviously rappelling down the cliff in heavy armor would be nigh-impossible, unless you run one of those campaigns that skips over such annoying details. Carrying out something as large as a chest of treasure is likewise going to present serious difficulties. The cliff towers a little more than 100' high over the grassland below. If your players want to hire some laborers to build scaffolding or a crane at the top of the cliff I would have it take little more than a month for the necessary materials to be moved out to this remote location, via riverboat partway then mule train to the plateau. It would then require a few weeks for building; during that time other treasure hunters might attack the worksite, but there won't be any activity coming in or out of the entrance.
There is at least one secret entrance into the Stonehold directly from the tableland, although I haven't figured out where to place it yet. Another interesting feature of the plateau is a collection of stacks of massive granite blocks, stacked into short pyramids. The light-colored granite cubes are 5x5x5 feet and each weighs approximately one ton (it should probably be more but we'll assume a fairly low density granite...) There are dozens in all, and although the PCs can't know this yet they cluster directly above the area in the Stonehold called the Arena. The granite blocks themselves might be valuable to somebody but appraising and moving them would obviously be a serious undertaking.
Once the PCs reach the hole in the cliff, they'll find that it leads into a smooth funnel of scraped limestone which slopes six feet down into a short drop at one end of a roughly cubical hollow in the plateau. This chamber is 40x40x40 feet. Against the wall opposite the entrance is a fourteen foot high band of polished flecked black granite, set into the limestone. In the center of this wall is what at first appears to be a giant, projecting sculpture of wetly shining gold.
The smooth gold surface looks like a man's head, half-sunk into the granite, eyes shut and expressionless. It measures 10' high from bald crown to chin. The first time someone comes 30' or nearer its eyes open to show smooth gold orbs and the golden mouth moves as fluidly as flesh, or as if the gold were still hot from the smelter. It will ask the PCs a series of riddles, up to four, opening for one person at a time after each answer (right or wrong) and then admitting as many people as want in after the fourth. Rather than provide you with a series of riddles I would suggest a DM should think about his players and tailor the questions to them. For example for my players, I would ask something like:
"I'm hot and sweet, known to be hysterical
They never hear me coming, though my spots are inimical
I'm a master of stealth and silent off the branch I fall
Which is just as well, because I can't hear at all
What am I?
They never hear me coming, though my spots are inimical
I'm a master of stealth and silent off the branch I fall
Which is just as well, because I can't hear at all
What am I?
(The answers "Def Leppard" or "a deaf leopard" would be correct)
The head doesn't introduce itself or anything, it just asks questions. It's not intelligent. Of course, the PCs could just attack the head---but although its made of soft gold it's heavy enough to blunt and damage any weapons continuously beating on it. If the PCs attack it with tools, given a few hours' work they might crumple and finally dislodge the giant head (its total weight is probably close to two tons). Of course they'll have made enough racket by then to be heard throughout the Stonehold.
After a question is answered (right or wrong) the face stretches its mouth impossibly wide apart like The Wall album cover [EDIT: Actually I seem to be thinking of the film poster], the silky wet gold of its lips pulling away from teeth above and below to create a large entryway, through which can be seen the first chamber of the Stonehold proper. Once a person (it doesn't have to be the one who answered) steps into the mouth, it snaps shut like lightning, leaving the hapless entrant trapped against a giant tongue. The aperture to the Stonehold squeezes shut as the construct's gold mouth-juices wash over the entrant.
If the answer to the riddle was correct, the person is shunted out through the sphincter in the back of the head, and lands on the floor of the Stonehold coated in gold saliva but otherwise unmolested. Their voice will be audible if they call back to people in the entry chamber, and vice versa.
If two or more people try to step into the mouth simultaneously any time before the fourth riddle, all but one (pick randomly) will be spat out.
If the answer was incorrect, the mouth also closes over the entrant. They are trapped and washed in sticky gold saliva as before, but the fluid isn't inert. They must make a Fortitude save (DC 15). A failure causes a complete physical transformation as the former PCs' mind is destroyed and body remade into a golden aberration, head replaced by a whipping tendril, limbs or more tentacles randomly erupting from a twisted humanoid form that looks made of beaten, slickly shining gold. In game terms it will either have HD as the PC's level or at minimum 3, plus a tentacle and two claw attacks (multi-attack assumed), and DR 5/bludgeoning from their metallic hide. Armor and other worn gear is destroyed; nonmetallic gear (bedroll, scroll-case, probably rations) is ruined from soaking, but metallic or preserved objects (a sealed jar of oil, a sextant etc.) may be recovered.
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So this, but like a 24-karat sculpture |
The aberration is then spat back out of the giant mouth and immediately attacks the party. It will fight until slain. Following its demise, the giant head simply asks another riddle and awaits an answer.
As a Golden One the mutated person is changed into a hairless, shining gold version of themselves with jet black eyes. Any prior imperfections in their physique are erased, their new flesh of gold beautiful in contour and proportion. Their type changes to Living Construct (see the rules on 3.5's Warforged), and they will no longer suffer physical drawbacks from aging. If their Charisma was 12 or lower, they gain plus-two charisma; they also gain plus-two natural armor and a natural slam attack (d4 Med creature, d3 small).
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Like this, but naked-er and more uncomfortably sexy |
Transformation into a Golden One incurs a DC 17 Will save. On a failure, the transformed person's alignment changes to Chaotic or Neutral Evil, and they become a willing servant of The Formless Many. They will seek to spread chaos---wild magic, hedonism, social decay--by whatever means necessary. The mentally transformed Golden One gains the following supernatural abilities: Detect Law at will, Charm Person 3x/day, True Strike 1x/day. If the Golden One is at least third level they also gain Glitterdust 1x/day, and at eighth level they gain Chaos Hammer 1x/day. Relevant casting stat is INT or CHA, whichever is higher. On a successful save, the new Golden One retains their ego/personality but does not gain any (Su)s.
If a PC gets transformed into a Golden One who serves the Formless Many, take that player out of the room or pass them a note. Explain their new personality/allegiance to them. Ideally they should pretend to have been only physically transformed and remain with the party, biding their time to spread disorder or advance the cause of the Formless Many and its earthly cult. However some players may not like the idea of playing a "traitor," and if that's the case I suggest allowing them to treat their transformed PC as a casualty and roll up a new character, while the newborn Golden One retreats deeper into the Stonehold as a now openly-hostile NPC.
The face will impassively and implacably ask its riddles three times, each time admitting only one person to step through and discover their fate following an answer. The fourth time, it will ask a final riddle and then admit as many people as want to step into the mouth. On a correct answer, they all get squished together and then shunted out through the sphincter, nothing hurt but their dignity.
On an incorrect answer, multiple entrants must all make fortitude saves. Those who pass are shunted out the back as individual Golden Ones and make their Will Save as normal. Those who fail are transformed into a single combined Aberration and spat out the mouth. Begin with an Aberration of 3 HD minimum, then add at least 2 HD per person fused (or HD equal to level whichever is higher). At 5 HD the Aberration is Large, at 8 HD Huge and so on. For each person in the fusion it gains an additional tentacle or claw attack and +2 natural armor. This final monster's appearance is of multiple bodies, stretched and welded topsy-turvy together into a trunk of gold flesh crowned with branching tendrils and staggering on two human legs barely adequate to its weight.
What if on the fourth riddle, people give separate answers and then enter together?The Golden Head is only programmed to accept one answer at a time, so in this situation randomly determine which answer it accepts either by rolling d3+ or via eenie-meanie-meiny-moe.
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